Born between the early '90s and 2010, the first waves of Generation Z are either working or seeking a job now. According to the consulting firm BridgeWorks, Gen Z accounts for more than 60 million persons in the U.S.--already more than Gen X and two-thirds the volume of baby boomers.
What do the Gen Z'ers bring to today's workforce? Lots of people are speculating on that very question.
According to Forbes, Gen Z'ers want to make money. They're pragmatic, competitive, and continually refining new skills to stay relevant. Instead of working with a team, they would rather manage their own projects to showcase their skills and abilities.
More Gen Z'ers are passing on college now and moving directly into the workplace. According to a Pew Research study, more than 75 percent of them didn't consider college the only path to a strong education and chose to go to work without delay.
Acknowledging their caution, focus on security, privacy, and sensible careers, Gen Z'ers begin to reflect less than millennials and more their grandparents, writes economist Neal Howe, co-author of more than a dozen books about generations.
More than any other generation, it's indisputable that to Gen Z'ers, technology is a way of life. They've lived in a world of smartphones and free Wi-Fi for as long as they can remember, and nine of every 10 have some digital footprint. No wonder that switching among devices comes naturally to Gen Z'ers. They may begin a task in the morning, work on it later on their smartphone, then complete it on their laptop after dinner while watching some TV.
Gen Zer's are profoundly entrepreneurial. More than 70 percent of today's high school students say they want to start a business.
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Article 2 (Apr 2019): What Generation Z brings to the marketplace
April 29, 2019
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