How hot is it?
It's so hot that I saw a chicken lay an omelet.
It's so hot that you can wash and dry your clothes at the same time.
It's so hot that I bought a loaf of bread and before I got home it was toast.
It’s so hot that corn on the stalks starts popping.
It’s so hot that the car overheats before you start it.
It’s so hot that I saw a fire hydrant chasing a dog.
It’s so hot that all the bread in the store is toast.
It’s so hot that I’m using Celsius instead of Fahrenheit just to have a lower number.
It’s so hot that Tabasco sauce tastes mild.
It’s so hot that the only waves at the beach were heat waves.
It's so hot you learn that a seat belt makes a pretty good branding iron.
It's so hot that now hot water comes out of both taps.