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Carbon Brushes

Carbon Brush Types and Commutation

The term "carbon brush" appeared in electrical engineering history with the change to materials actually made from copper wire, which looked like a brush, to graphite and carbon. Carbon brushes have been evolving for decades.

Replacing Carbon Brushes for Electrical Motors?

Carbon brush grades fall under four main categories based on the manufacturing procedures, the types of carbons and other ingredients. The types of brushes are: carbongraphite, electrographite, graphite and metal graphite.

Tractor manufacturing kept humming via electrical maintenance and inventory

Modern day tractor manufacturing involves automation and conveyor driven processes. John Deere, Caterpillar, Kubota and all leading manufacturers have invested heavily in streamlining operations to both to keep costs down and to protect workers.

Electrical Motor Control Parts: REPCO Greatest Stories Ever Told

To end the year, we’ve dug up and summarized some of our favorite electrical contact and carbon brush "help" articles from the archives with links back to the original article for easy reference.

Ski lifts, Motors, Electrical Contacts, and Motor Controls

If you’ve ever ridden on a ski lift (a.k.a. chair lift) you’ve probably never thought about the mechanics and equipment that keep it running.

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